25 Years Anniversary BK Belgium VI & BK Belgium VII

International meeting 12-14 september 2025 – Registration form:


    Accomodation Formulas:
    A+ 160€ pp fri-sat 2 person room + 2 breakfast and 2 dinner - FULLY BOOKED!
    A 130€ pp fri-sat 4-6 bunks + 2 breakfast and 2 dinner
    B 30€ pp saturday dinner
    C 60€ pp fri-sat only meals: 2 breakfast and 2 dinner

    T-shirt selection (depending on size 17€/20€)

    The data you provide to Blue Knights Belgium VI are intended for internal use through electronic data processing and subject to the modalities of the Privacy Protection Act of 8.12.92. The law also provides for the right of access to this data and its adjustment.


    Please check your completed fields in detail and then press "send"!

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